Help with acid reflux

Help with Acid Reflux

Help with acid reflux. Sometimes it’s the simplest of habits that bring the greatest benefits! I was recently invited by Julie Mann aka The Happiness Coach to be a guest speaker on her You Tube channel. Here I am sharing some simple tips to help you to improve the condition or prevent it from occurring.

I am an accredited reflux practitioner. I understand just how awful this condition and it’s associated symptoms can be. But, don’t despair, I can guide you through the process of finding relief from acid reflux. I can also help you to safely navigate your way through coming off antacid medication if appropriate.

You can download my free Mindful Eating for Happy Digestion eBook here

And you can find out more in my blog Do You Suffer from Acid Reflux?

If you are anyone that you know would like help with acid reflux, then please do get in touch. I offer a free 20 minute chat

Here is a link to my profile on the Digestion with Confidence website

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